Positive Enrolment

Positive enrolment is a mandatory step in accessing your benefits under the PSHCP. It requires Plan members to provide information about themselves and their eligible dependants so that Canada Life can maintain their member file and process your claims. Positive enrolment is a standard practice in the pay-direct benefit environment.

How to complete positive enrolment


  1. Visit the Canada Life Member Services website at canadalife.com/pshcp and select Complete your positive enrolment.
  2. You will be asked to provide your dependants’ information including their date of birth, as well as information about coverage under other group health plans for coordination of benefits.
  3. Once you complete positive enrolment, you can print your PSHCP benefit card from your account through the PSHCP Member Services website.

By mail

  1. Complete all sections of the Positive Enrolment form available on the Canada Life Member Services website at canadalife.com/pshcp
  2. Once you’ve completed all sections of the form, provided consent by signing and dating it, mail it to:

Canada Life
PSHCP Positive Enrolment
PO Box 6000 Stn Main
Winnipeg, MB R3C 9Z9

For Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) Client Group
Canada Life
BAS DG1227
PO Box 6000 Stn Main
Winnipeg, MB R3C 9Z9

    3. You will be mailed a confirmation of enrolment that includes a new paper PSHCP benefit                    card.

By completing positive enrolment, you provide consent for Canada Life to use your personal information to process your claims. Once complete, you will be able use your new PSHCP benefit card at participating pharmacies and with registered health care providers so they can submit your claims to Canada Life electronically.

To update your positive enrolment information (e.g. to add a dependant, or to change your coordination of benefits information), you can make these changes through your online account on the PSHCP Member Services website at canadalife.com/pshcp. Learn more in Amending my Coverage.

New Plan members: Canada Life will hold your PSHCP application until it receives confirmation of your eligibility for coverage. This step can take up to six weeks.