Hospital (Outside Canada) Provision

The Hospital (Outside Canada) Provision is available to members (except pensioners) with Comprehensive Coverage.

Eligible expenses include reasonable and customary hospital charges for each day of hospitalisation in a general hospital, a hospital of the CAF, or the armed forces of a foreign country, and may include the following:

Eligible Expenses

Diet counselling services

Use of diet counselling services

Drugs in hospital

Drugs prescribed and administered in hospital by any attending physician

Hospital out-patient services

Out-patient services provided by a hospital.

Hospital ward accommodation

Standard ward accommodation.

Laboratory services

Laboratory, radiological and other diagnostic procedures.

Nursing services in hospital

Necessary nursing services when provided by the hospital.

Operating/delivery room

Use of operating and delivery rooms, anaesthetic and surgical supplies.

Services of hospital staff

Services rendered by any person paid by the hospital.

Speech therapy services

Use of speech therapy facilities when prescribed by a physician.


No benefit is payable for:

  1. Expenses incurred under any of the conditions listed under General Exclusions and Limitations in the Plan Provisions;
  2. Co-insurance charges or similar charges for hospital care which are in excess of charges payable by a provincial or territorial government health or hospital insurance plan and which are not charges made for utilisation of semi-private or private accommodation, except that co-insurance charges for a chronic care hospital for a patient who is confined to a chronic care Hospital, and has made at least one claim for such charges before September 1, 1992 and makes a further claim for the same period of confinement, are eligible;
  3. A person insured under a non-government group hospital insurance plan administered in a foreign country that provides hospital expense benefits similar to those provided under the Health Insurance Act, 1972 of Ontario, as amended from time to time.