Survivor benefits

In most cases, your eligible dependants can continue to receive coverage under the Plan in the event of your death.

Surviving dependants must complete a Pensioner Application Form, which they can obtain from the Compensation Advisor responsible for the file of the deceased Plan member, or from the pension office appropriate to their employer. The application must be submitted within 60 days of the Plan member’s death so that coverage may commence the first day of the month following the month the application is received by the designated officer. If the application is not received within 60 days, a three-month waiting period will apply before their coverage comes into effect.

Monthly PSHCP contributions will be deducted from the survivor’s pension benefit cheque.

Dependants who are between 21 and 25 years of age and are enrolled in full-time post-secondary studies may apply as members in their own right, or may be listed as a dependant on the application of the surviving spouse.

Surviving dependants of Plan members living abroad can continue their Comprehensive Coverage for a period of up to six months. They can obtain Supplementary Coverage once they return to Canada and reinstate their provincial or territorial health care coverage.

“My dependants haven’t retired—why would they have to fill out a Pensioner Application Form?”

If the surviving dependants of a deceased public service employee or pensioner are eligible to receive survivor pension benefits, they must authorize monthly PSHCP contributions to be deducted from their pension benefit cheques through the appropriate pension office using the Pensioner Application Form.