This article was published before the transition to the new Plan Administrator, Canada Life. If you have any questions, contact the PSHCP Member Contact Centre at 1-855-415-4414 (toll-free anywhere in North America) or 1-431-489-4064 (call collect if you are outside North America).
If you have PSHCP Supplementary coverage, you and your eligible dependants, are covered under the Out-of-Province Benefit when you leave your province/territory of residence. The benefit includes the Emergency Benefit while travelling, which provides reimbursement for up to CAD $500,000 in eligible expenses incurred to treat a medical emergency while on a vacation, if the medical emergency occurs within 40 days from the date of departure from the province/territory of residence. The Emergency Benefit while travelling also covers medical expenses incurred if you have Supplementary coverage and you are travelling on business which is exempt from the 40-day time limit, but the $500,000 (CAD) benefit maximum still applies.
You also have access to the Emergency Travel Assistance Services offered by Allianz Global Assistance, which provides 24-hour access to a world-wide network of professionals who may assist with medical, legal, or other travel-related emergencies. If an emergency occurs, you or someone on your behalf must contact Allianz within 14 days following the emergency. This will allow them to arrange for advance payment on your behalf or of a covered dependant, for the payment of hospital and medical expenses. Also, Allianz will be able to help you through your emergency and, if required, will arrange transportation to the nearest suitable medical facility. The toll-free number is 1-800-667-2883 (CAN/US) or 1-519-742-1342 (Worldwide). Please note, however, that assistance services are not available in countries of political unrest. Here is a list of these countries, which changes according to world conditions.
If you are unable to contact Allianz during or within 14 days following the emergency, you will be responsible for submitting the claims to Sun Life.
How to file a claim if you have not contacted Allianz within the 14-day time limit
- Sign in to
- Complete and sign the PSHCP claim form (Benefits Centre » Claims » Print claim form)
- Attach receipts (keep copies for yourself)
- Mail claim to: Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada PO BOX 6192 STN CV Montreal QC H3C 4R2
Covid-19 update
Medical emergencies related to COVID-19 are covered under the Emergency Benefit while travelling, including meals and accommodations if you or a covered dependant’s trip is extended due to hospitalisation of a family member. Note that the additional expenses incurred by accompanying family members for accommodations and meals are provided to a maximum of $150 per day, combined. However, the PSHCP does not cover the following expenses:
- Travel expenses resulting from trip cancellations or changes;
- Expenses resulting from a quarantine;
- The cost of COVID-19 testing for you or a dependant;
- The cost of repatriation, arranged by Canada, to a quarantine location.
Should you decide to travel in the near future, you need to be aware of any relevant travel advisory and be familiar with your coverage details. For more information regarding travel measures you can reach the Public Health Agency of Canada’s COVID-19 information line at 1-833-784-4397. Additional information on the latest travel and related COVID-19 safety measures are available at